Astrid Rania's profile

A Compilation of Posters and Others

These are a collection of poster-type things (mock advertisement, etc) that i made. Some are class project for friends, others are just personal projects. It didn't really make the cut for my portfolio but i did end up liking how these turned out.
This one in particular is a group project for Indonesia's independence day actually and we posted this on instagram with the hashtag #myindependence74. The names at the bottom of the posters are my friends who participated in the project.

So i have never solved a whole--much less a single side of rubiks cube the right way. And what i mean by that i don't know how a rubiks cube work, like i literally just don't get it at all. My entire life i've been dismantling the cube and rearranging the colors myself and that's how i solved the damned thing. From this realisation I then commemorated indonesia's independence day my celebrating my inability to solve a rubiks cube and also my ability to do whatever the hell i want.   
these ones are from a series of phone wallpapers that i titled "note to self" as a personal reminder. because we look at our phones a lot, right? so this kinda helped me remember to take it easy and the repetition of the words are just like mantras. i made a couple others but i actually used these two as my phone wallpaper for the longest time.
A Compilation of Posters and Others


A Compilation of Posters and Others

a bunch of posters that weren't strong enough to stand alone but too good to leave out
