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Year of the Periodic Table: #essentialelements

2019 is the Year of the Periodic Table. In order to celebrate it, the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) commissioned me to create a series featuring all the essential elements. That is, the list of 12 chemical elements which form every human body. You can find them below, sorted by abundance.

The series was published in agenciasinc.es throughout the summer, one element a week.
Oxygen: Breathable energy #essentialelements - 65% of your casing
Carbon: The soul of organic compounds #essentialelements - 18% of your shell
Hydrogen: From the stars to your cells #essentialelements - 10% of your shares
Nitrogen: A key piece in DNA #essentialelements - 3% of your framing
Calcium: For strong bones #essentialelements 1,5% of your mortal soul
Phosphorus: The match that feeds the human body #essentialelements Your flammable 1%
Potassium: The water policeman in our cells #essentialelements 0,25% of your unbearable selfishness
Sulfur: A stinking element that takes care of our skin #essentialelements
Sodium for my nerves! #essentialelements
Chlorine: The disinfectant helping you digest food #essentialelements
Iron: Vital for your metabolism #essentialelements
Magnesium: King of muscle #essentialelements
Year of the Periodic Table: #essentialelements

Year of the Periodic Table: #essentialelements

A series celebrating the Year of the Periodic Table (2019) for the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).
