B DK's profile

Mr Buddy Chronicles

Illustrating the lovely memories we had with ''Mr Buddy'' during the summer of 2019: A personal project of places.
''Les Sables''

During the summer we were driving to Les Sables every once in a week. Bram would be very excited to go surfing.
So drawing on the passanger seat is a real challange when Bram's driving.

''île de Noirmoutier''

The island. Filled with beautiful sceneries.. Also with bigass flying bugs that try to get into your hair. I had some trouble with them.


Sietse would wake us up at 7 am screaming 'Lets go surfing!'
Good spot for surfers. But I dont surf. Go away Siets...


Crooked roads going up and down, pink-ish rocks and pointy buildings...
Despite the rain, we had the best time in Bretagne with friends and strangers.


Summer's over. 3 months of going to a place from another, following the swell of the ocean.

Now we're back home. Mr Buddy's resting until the next one.

Made with profound memories from hot summer nights, using Procreate app for Apple iPad. 
Oct 2019.
Mr Buddy Chronicles


Mr Buddy Chronicles

A personal illustration project of the places we've seen during the summer.
