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Amadine Typography Tutorial

Some time ago I was asked to try the new vector graphic software Amadine.
I did this colorful logotype and below you can read a step-by-step tutorial
of the whole process alongside my reflections and some tips.
In brackets you can find letter shortcuts for certain tools/actions.

1 - Sketching - initial stage
I started with a few rough sketches and selected this one because
I like this unusual flow of letters.
Good sketch is the basis and this is the stage when we can separate good ideas.

- Drawing -> Vector
I sat my sketch on lower layer and then created new one above.
Now you can start creating outline with the Pen Tool(P)

2 - Tips - Letters anatomy
To maintain same width of stems I advice to use Rectangle Tool(R)
I just duplicated it.
It’s an easy way to make them coherent and it alsosaves time.
But remember typography is an optical art and sometimes making
everything equal wouldn’t look good so always try to squint your eyes
and make a decision if everything fits.

For “a” and “d” I used Ellipse Tool(O) both for outer and inner shape.
Most letters can be assembled from few basic elements so you can also
draw head serifs and foot serifs, spurs or shoulders
and use it in multiple spots adjusting them.
Ellipse Tool can be very useful to measure curves.
3 - Basic design
When we have final design we can start adding outlines,
fill ins, shades and highlights.
It’s important to be certain about all shapes because all further
actions are based on those paths
And adding corrections would involve changing all other layers.
- Outline
I duplicate main layer and add stroke(this is about 20 px),
in stroke options I sat rounded cap style and rounded corner style.

4 - 3D
I do really love bold 3D effect.
This one is created by duplication of outline layer and minor
adjustment of scale(and little point edition marked with circles)

5 - Gradients
Another step is adding little gradients on solids of 3D and inner outline.
Amadine allows to create color gradients from maximum color opacity
to alpha(opacity 0%)
It helps blend colors easily.
Gradient Tool(G)

6 - Fill in
Now the main stage. Creation of lettering’s fill in.
First step is to draw shape which would be cut off from the original fill.
I simply draw with Pen Tool(P) shape I want and then using Intersect
option I cut it
from duplicated fill in path(and in the end remember to click Expand button).

I repeated the process for every color and made minor adjustments.
In lower part I also added some spots created with Ellipse Tool but
its real fun to experiment with different shapes and sizes.

7 - Highlights
We are almost there!
Highlights are an essential part of many of my projects.
They make designs more vivid and add depth.
Just like circles in the fill in point 6 I created them
with Ellipse Tool(O) and sheered or stretched to fit.

8 - Background and shade
Final step is background and shade under the whole design.
Once again its duplicated layer(the same as used in point 6) set on
the layer below main part.

I encourage you to play with various colors and shapes, vector
graphic hides lots of possibilities and I hope few of techniques
described above would be useful for you and Amadine is very intuitive
tool, which could be a great starting point for vector adventure.

You can check Amadine app here -> Amadine

Amadine Typography Tutorial


Amadine Typography Tutorial

Hello. Some time ago I was asked to try the new vector graphic software Amadine. I did this colorful logotype and below you can read a step-by-st Read More
