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Ice Packs for Injuries logo and photos

New logo design and product shots for an Amazon reseller
Becoming an Amazon.com reseller is very popular these days. Ice Packs for injuries has a unique product designed to ease the swelling and pain of kids who engage in active sports such as soccer, football and little league baseball. This is the brand I created that will go on all the company's packaging, printed materials and website.
Here are two shots of the flexible ice packs from two different angles. The packs are refreezable and reusable. The attached elastic/velcro strap allows the ice packs to be strapped around wrists, ankles, knees and other body parts when bumps, bruises and twists occur during sports activities. We are currently working on the box design which will include two ice packs per order.

To see more of my work, please visit www.DesignStrategies.com or call (727) 466-6888 for further information.
Ice Packs for Injuries logo and photos


Ice Packs for Injuries logo and photos

Logo design and product photography
