Diabetes To Go is the education program of the MedStar Diabetes Institute. This program has been developed by diabetes specialists, including Endocrinologists and nurses, nutritionists, nurse practitioners and pharmacist who are diabetes educators, in partnership with Primary Care Physicians. The Diabetes To Go Booklet covers diabetes survival skills – or the basics about diabetes. The Diabetes To Go Pocket Guide is a brief summary of the same content that is found in the booklet.

You can learn more about the program and materials at https://www.medstarhealth.org/mhri/uncategorized/2019/07/29/diabetes-to-go/
MedStar Diabetes and Research Institutes’ “Diabetes To Go-Inpatient Study” was funded by the National Institutes of Health-NIDDK R34 DK-105903 Award. This grant funded redesign of the MDI’s Diabetes To Go education materials .
Diabetes to Go

Diabetes to Go

Diabetes To Go is the education program of the MedStar Diabetes Institute. Materials developed included a pocket guide and a large booklet.
