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Crumbs — Brand Identity


What is Crumbs?

Crumbs is more than just eating - it is a place that uses curated home cooked meals from around the world 
as a tool to learn, to make cooking less intimidating and a place to celebrate the simple pleasures of food, 
well-being and gatherings that are being forgotten.

Each season,
different crumbs.

S P A C E   T O   M A K E   C R U M B S
The soul of the brand - Crumbs’ space is a three-layered (known as the Pantry, Kitchen and Table) journey that changes seasonally, providing an immersive experience for you to learn, make and bring family and friends together through cooking. As a dedication to the creation of Crumbs, the first season showcases home cooked stories from around the world, with bread as the main ingredient of exploration.


How can you find out about Crumbs?


How does your journey continue?

C R U M B S   J O U R N A L   N O. I
There are endless ways to share the knowledge of food, and a physical space wouldn’t be enough. As an extension of Crumbs, we created a seasonal-themed publication with a concept of a journal. This season’s journal, themed “Crumbs” explores the stories on how the humble loaf of bread is more than just sustenance but also an intimate medium that has taught us patience, resilience and love.
A seasonal-themed journal
to know deeper.

C R U M B S   C H A P T E R   I :   C L E A N S E
As the brand focuses on how simple ordinary things can bring joy and meaning if looked at differently, 
we decided to create a product, Crumbs Chapter I: Cleanse — a cleaning kit to claim your simple pleasures and 
turn those routines into rituals full of deeper meanings, so you can start anew and make crumbs at home.

C R U M B S   W E B S I T E  &  A P P
The aim of the product is to provide easy access to inform, share and provide a contribution platform, where you can share your home-cooked stories. This was also an opportunity to use the digital space to enhance your experience with Crumbs. Hence, the Table Talk app is created and designed to help you ask better questions, spark deeper conversations and connect better with the people around you.


M E M O R I E S   F R O M   C R U M B S
We all have memories of our favourite home-cooked meals that are so close to our hearts, 
we remember specific details about it with our senses - perhaps even the sounds and movements attached to it. 
This video is a story that explores those details and its whimsical presence within the visual world around us.

Thank you.
Crumbs — Brand Identity

Crumbs — Brand Identity

Crumbs is more than just eating - it is a place that uses curated home-cooked meals from around the world as a tool to learn, to make cooking les Read More
