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The Internet and Charity By Sylvester Knox

Technology and the internet have changed multiple industries across the board.  From finance to healthcare, technology has made many processes more efficient and easy to accomplish.  In the world of philanthropy and charity, technology has had a significant impact, especially with the use of the internet and social media.  Avid users of social media are now accustomed to seeing charitable platforms, such as GoFundMe, to raise money for people in need, as well as social platforms themselves; allowing users to make donations to any organization of their choice.  So, what are some of the major ways technology and the internet have impacted the world of charity and fundraising?  

Increased Exposure 
With social media being such a large part of the internet and the way we use it every day, it’s extremely easy to increase awareness and gain exposure to a cause in need; whether it is a charitable organization or an individual that needs the help of others.  The power of the internet, and social media gives charitable platforms a way to reach the masses on a grand scale, and build exposure for a good cause. Word of mouth and traditional forms of advertising aren’t the only ways for organizations to gain exposure!  

Donating With Ease 
Much like increasing awareness and exposure, the internet has also improved the process of making donations.  Consider platforms such as GoFundMe,, or any other charitable organization that can be accessed through social media platforms.  With just one post, an individual or an organization can reach its audience, and make the donation process seamless for those that want to contribute...
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The Internet and Charity By Sylvester Knox

The Internet and Charity By Sylvester Knox

Sylvester Knox shares insight into the major ways the internet has impacted and changed charity and fundraising.


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