String Art
I love this blast from the past trend, you guys! I totally did this as a kid....although, maybe not this well. 
Thunder Bay and The Book Shop, Ltd. recently presented to market a crazy fun collection of projects and instructions to make string art designs!!! I designed the kit/book; art directed the finished project photography; and had the extra fun of creating the detailed step-by-step diagrams throughout. (Those took an extra pot of coffee...but so much fun.)​​​​​​​
So, I'll admit it. We all love where this ended up, but it was a long haul to get to this look and feel. It's normal to reinvent a cover 5-10 times before all the parties involved fall in love with that one, singular design. In this case, we spent months re-imagining the best look for this kit. In the end, we attacked this with 25 rounds of creative, topping off at 109 cover designs! 
Check out some of the journey!
String Art


String Art
