Stephanie Romano's profile

FLIP - universal bottle and can opener


Three utensils among twenty-seven options were featured in the main user choices: the can opener, the peeler and the bottle opener
Besides being two of the three most voted options with which the users had already experienced any difficulties, can and bottle openers are usually combined into a single product and there is still room for improvement in the openers currently sold in Brazil. That’s why I chose both to start developing my project.



Proof of concept

A grip test was performed to define which handle would be most comfortable for users, according to percentile 5-95° for the smaller female and the larger male.
At the end of the study of form through drawings and models, I concluded that the product should be modular, using a handle as the main piece and two different heads, each performing a different function.

By using a modular concept, the product should be easier to manufacture, easier to use and wash and also replaceable for parts on an aftermarket scheme.



Through a customer-centric design approach, and making use of circular design principles, the final result is an universal multifunctional opener that helps people with poor grip strength, arthritis and others problems located in the hands and wrist to open effortlessly their cans and bottles, thus allowing them to live more independently.
FLIP - universal bottle and can opener

FLIP - universal bottle and can opener

TCC do curso de Desenho Industrial da UFF, apresentado em novembro/2018
