Make 'em Say's profile

ネオ東京からの脱出 Escape Neo Tokyo

ネオ東京からの脱出 / ESCAPE NEO TOKYO
About the animation

This film was designed by our Amsterdam-based animation studio team as a study in design, atmosphere and energy. 
It's a great way to extend our knowledge, add some fresh work to our portfolio and have some fun while doing so.

We mashed up some influences from (Japanese and American) sci-fi movies and our own vibrant and colorful look and feel.

The design process took a week or three, in-between other projects. Now and then we came back to it to add scenes, tweak old ones and work on it until it was done.

ネオ東京からの脱出 Escape Neo Tokyo


ネオ東京からの脱出 Escape Neo Tokyo
