This is short storyboard for visual and narrative development for a music video. 
I chose a narrative where we follow one boy as he ages to become a weary old man.  He walks through the entire sequence, never stopping but changing as the world around him passes by. 
After the story was boarded out, I went on to produce three paintings to show more precisely how I envisioned the music video would look in stills.
the sun rises as the pair of feet walk toward it
the boy (as a silhouette hops down a grand starcase- the sun continues to rise
the boy ages to adolescence
the sun repeatedly rises and sets in a quick time lapse
the sun starts to emit more light
the colors in the sun churn slowly, like hot magma swirling about in it's sphere
the sun beats down on the main character
Seeing the man up close again, we see the sun has aged him a little bit more.  He slumps over a bit as he walks.
another time lapse shot, where the buildings decay and become more organic as time passes
In the foreground, the man walks in place.  The stairs in the midground move downwards like an escalator while the silhouette of the man continues to climb upward and the sun continues to descend slowly toward the horizon.
at the top of the stairs the man enters a city street filled with other moving figures who remain indistinct
He ages further and walks by the city and the people in it (the buildings have crumbled a bit)
wider shot of landscape time lapse scene from earlier- forms of the buildings are less distinct and the sun has a much more intimidating presence.
Now an old man, he passes through the last of the buildings, entering a flat insignificant wasteland.
the old man shuffles along slowly towards a dimming light on the right hand side of the frame.
the man starts to jog at first then speeds up to a run like a young man toward the light- the camera zooms in
he runs toward the sun which is sinking quickly below the horizon
the old man does not slow at all as he runs strait off the edge of the world and into the setting sun


Visual and narrative development for a music video including a storyboard and concept art.
