From the beginning, I was assigned with the position of Director. Originally my perception of "Director" was very dull compared to what I can say about it now.
 My role evolvement tremendously through the production in many ways. From trying to make sure I could schedule all of the production team as well as the actors, to having to be the critical person on set who makes the final call if a shot is good enough to settle with.
 Working in on a fiction based production, I learned very early on that merging creativities can be a hand full. When it comes to being creative, there is never really a right or wrong answer and there inlays the problem. As director I was able to have a little bit more sway towards the final decision but that does not mean the decision was easy by any means. 
The biggest challenge I faced with this production lied entirely in production team dynamic. With merging creative disagreements along side trying to delegate power where there was no power to be delegated, this production really showed me how patient and understanding you need to be with a team like this in order to get all the proper tasks done in a time constricted situation.
My personal biggest growth with this production is by far my strength in organizing and executing things regardless of the tools being used. With scheduling other people and trying to work around their lives and work, that was a task all in of its own. 
With my future productions, one of the things I would do differently would be making sure everyone knows their role and responsibilities very early on in the process. Also, I would make sure I pay close attention to the smaller details and not let them wash over my head and out of sight. 


When Terrys life hits an all time low, he resorts to crime and manipulation to find his answer,
