Creativity is a muscle.

And as creatives, we need to exercise our creativity regularly, or it just won't work efficiently when we need it.

Wash-a-Pig firms and tones those creative muscles through writing headlines for fictitious ad campaigns. There's no client. There's no deadline. Just let loose and have fun. The act of writing quickly, playfully, and within constraints makes it easier to think creatively when a project deadline is looming.
How to play:

Wash-a-Pig is a card game at its core.

Decide if your group is working in teams or individually. Playing solo works, but working in teams of 2-4 is best because bouncing ideas off of teammates always leads to better ideas. 

Each participant or team gets one WHAT card...

...and  a WHO or HOW card. (Not both. Too many limits sucks all the fun out of it. Go ahead and try it if you're feeling frisky.)

Put the pair together and start writing.

5-15 minutes per prompt is long enough to write some decent headlines but quick enough that it doesn't become work. 

Each participant or team shares their headlines with the group.

You laugh. You cry. You sit in amazement at someone's brilliant use of words to sell an energy drink to gardeners. Either way, you're reinvigorated and remember what you love about being in the creative field.

You could make a competition out of it by each person taking turns as the judge and choosing the best headline. The winner of each round keeps the cards to keep score.
Try out these combos below. Maybe even leave a comment with one of your headlines.

*Long scroll warning!*


Wash-a-Pig is a copywriting game for creatives in advertising and marketing.
