Morgan N Lewis's profile

Adrenaline Logotype

Adrenaline Logotype
I was contacted on Instagram by a 'friend-of-a-friend' who needed an identity for, quote, "top-secret project." He provided me some sketches and a timeline he needed them under:
Two households, both alike in dignity...
From these two sketches I created quite a few pages of options for him to pick through; these options started with the A.

The Fine Line
The "A" and typeface were an easy choice, but the concept of the line running across has many ways I could approach it. From taking away the line, to having it control the flow of the logotype. A few of the options took much too much away from the letters. I created a sample below that shows the different line types paired with the different A's I created.
Thickening and Shortening
Though the typeface I chose worked well for his needs and matched well with the A, the lines needed to be thicker for clothing applications. Once we found a line to move forward with, I also shortened the A to have it better fit the x-height of the rest of the logotype better. There are minor differences in the images below.
Finding the Perfect A
I had some extra time towards the end of the project, so I played around with the idea of a circular emblem in addition to his singular "A." I decided to present these options to him as well in order to check if he'd want them on anything. It was pretty enjoyable to imagine what a heartbeat would look like in a circular form instead of a line.
Final Product
In the end, he wanted the A with the outline as his final logo, and for it to be sitting in the middle of his logotype. Though this likely wouldn't work out well for smaller applications, he was intending these for a 'larger' purpose. He asked that I include #rush in the same font for some other items he was hoping to have made as well.
Adrenaline Logotype

Adrenaline Logotype

Logotype created for clothing applications
