Artist’s statement

 I had difficulty expressing feelings in everyday life and I began to use body painting as a means of expression. Art using the body could express myself more directly than painting on the canvas. I usually deal with dark emotions that are difficult to reveal, such as depression, anxiety, and fear.
 My works are expressed through various ways such as photograph, video, and performance. Sometimes paints symbolize the inner surface flowing out of the body, and on the contrary, it symbolizes the outer shell (physical body) that hides the emotions. In this case, some exposed body parts symbolize true inner.
How my project was produced

  'Gaze' is an idea that is designed to try a performance that emphasizes the vivid experience in field, but it became the most closed and private form. While worrying about performing with the feeling of being peeled off again in front of people, the idea that the camera could replace the spectators came across my mind.
 The title 'Gaze' means the cameras surrounding me. Camera is the tool I chose because it‘s more comfortable to face than the real person, but it reveals the negative nature of the camera that erases the blindfold of the eye as the work progresses.

Instagram @binda9595


