Warszawa | 2012
Wola district
Wola on layers: units/ railway/ cementeries/ development,building/ parks, public spaces/ streets, communication system/ all together
Wola on layers - points/ museums + designed as bachelors diploma - Informatorium/ churches/ industry/ subway/ all together/ all together + streets
Wola /  Skyscrapers done and under-construction
Wola/ mostly XIXth century industry relicts (factories, breweries etc.)
Wola - 3 main expansion boudaries and historically formed space units

1. Wały / Okopy Lubomirskiego 2. Railway line/ 3. Present district boundaries
I. regular, mostly XIX century historical city/ II. XIX century/ 'industry city'/ III. irregular, suburban like  



Space, functional and structural analysis of one of the Warsaw districts - industrial based 'Wola', made during the Bachelors Diploma.
