A YCN Competition brief completed whilst studying at the University of Leeds. The brief required a marketing of the Marriott Hotels and Resorts brand towards a new, younger generation of globetrotters. This group has a sense of freedom - they can blend work and leisure seemlessly and have the financial control to go anywhere they want. The World is their Oyster. 
The World is Your Oyster // An app that allows the user to keep control and tailor make their own cultural calender.
On first log in the user select their interests - which determines the things they see on their events, journal and news feeds.
Interactivity - To reveal information about the event, the user rubs away the red branded block of cover.
These events have links to the conveniently placed Marriott Hotels and Resorts. Events can then be added to the calender through the button on the event page itself or simply by tapping the calender button in the top left.
Promotional Concept

Key events will such as the Edinburgh Fringe festival will be used to make positive associations with the Marriott Brand - i.e. the cultural aspect. The above concept will be in places such as airports and train stations and the Oyster icon will follow the nearest passer by and track their movements - leading them to the display of one of the events. Here the passer by can quickly scan the large QR code to pick up the App.


An app that allows the user to tailor make their own Cultural Calender
