Allan White's profile

Datica Product Branding 2019

Datica Product Branding Design
Datica makes HIPAA-compliant cloud infrastructure solutions for healthcare. After several iterations of various products with very different niches, they moved to unify them into a product family and asked the marketing team to develop new branding for web, print, motion, and point-of-presence (trade show booths). Over the course of about two months, I delivered projects in each of these mediums.
Above: a selection of pieces from print, web "share images" (for social media), and UI screenshots.
Video capture of product page. There's some subtle lazy-loading animations (blur, opacity, timing), with more planned in the future.
Design Process
A demo of the Figma SVG workflow. Sharing clips like these on twitter is a great way to get feedback from other front-end experts.
I like to share my process when I'm designing, but also when I'm building and engineering. It helps build trust with my stakeholders, but it's also a great way to give back to the design & dev communities, as well as getting detailed feedback from other experts. I cut this short clip together to share my workflow using Figma, SVGOMG compressor, and Chrome web inspector for positioning. 
Building the design elements
We have several designers in the product team, and they had a passion for making the product icons as a part of their work. I decided it was best to support and extend that effort, and build upon the logo work. While logos are a fundamental component of any brand, the supporting elements (colors, typography, animation, textures, imagery, etc.) are what comprise any complete brand.
Above: screenshots from the design rationale presentation that I made for my team internally. 
It's still early to gauge by the analytics, but the reception internally has been overwhelmingly positive. By using a thorough and methodical design process—to guide stakeholders along a path, so that the end result seems obvious—I was able to limit reviews and it led to an accelerated production process. As always, I ran the new pages through browser tests, performance (96 on PageSpeed), accessibility, and SEO audits.
You can see the site archived here (which I also designed and built). The product pages are accessible in the main navigation.
Datica Product Branding 2019

Datica Product Branding 2019

For a new product family initiative, I was asked to develop new branding for web, print, motion, and point-of-presence (trade show booths).
