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IKEA «Made of Stockholm»​​​​​​​
18 ways to turn an old carpet into something new

Sustainability is an important topic to consumers and companies alike. We all hate to waste products and materials if they might have a future use. And, yet, it sometimes seems as if certain products are made to deliberately fall apart sooner than we consumers thinks they should. What should a consumer do? Well, one answer is to repurpose the aging item. 

Made of STOCKHOLM is a collection of 18 new IKEA products that you can make yourself. All you need is an old carpet, for example the iconic STOCKHOLM. The aim of the collection is to find new uses for things that are in danger of being thrown away. We have even reused the STOCKHOLM name!
Some of them are less realistic and practical than others, but some are actually pretty neat — as far as we’re concerned. Some take a lot of work, while others take next to none. Do you have an old carpet that you’re thinking of throwing out? Before you do, see if you can find some inspiration in these manuals.
SHLOCKTOM dog blanket

Dogs like the smell of things that are familiar and dear to them. In other words, man’s best friend is also a pretty good friend of old things. So, take that old carpet and cut it in two. Put one half in the back of your car, and roll the other half out on your four-legged companion’s bed.
SHOMTLOCK compost insulation

Composting is an excellent and environmentally friendly way of getting rid of garden waste. Not least, it gives you superb potting soil that you can use in the garden. By placing a cover over your compost you keep the temperature more stable, allowing the waste to break down faster.
HOTLOCK MS anti-spin mat

If you drive in snowy areas your car can get into trouble before you know it. If you don’t have any chains, snow socks or other aids to hand, then a mat under the tire could be just the solution you need to give you just enough grip to get the car moving again.​​​​​​​
ST.MOLHOCK chair cushion
CLOTHMOSK door protector

Say goodbye to scrapes and paint damage on your dream car. CLOTHMOSK is a practical wall hanging that works as a door protector for your car. Not only is it decorative, but it also gives peace of mind every time you park in that slightly-too-narrow garage.
SHOCKMOLT sitting mat

Hiking is in the DNA of Norwegians. So next time you’re packing your rucksack with your thermos, lunchbox, anorak, knife, compass, stove, chocolate and goodness knows what else, remember to also roll up and pop in your brand new sitting mat, made from your old, but tough, carpet.
OCKSTLOHM floor protectors

Floor protectors are your floor’s best friend. OCKSTLOHM comes in whatever size you choose, and is well-suited to go under everything from the thin chair legs in the kitchen, to the heavy cabinet that’ll be pushed across the floor when you’re rearranging the furniture or cleaning.​​​​​​​
MOCKSLOTH decoration

Forget about this year’s trends. A stylish, patterned carpet framed and hung up on the wall might actually be next year’s trend. And what’s more hip than reusing? Reusing that makes your living room look cooler.​​​​​​​
HOCKSMOLT work mat

HOCKSMOLT is a work mat that works perfectly for when you’re doing the gardening or polishing the car. By cutting up your old carpet, you can create a soft padding for your knees.​​​​​​​

STOCKMOHL is a series of decorative doormats made from handwoven STOCKHOLM carpet that will fit perfectly in the corridor. All you need to do is cut up your old carpet into equal sizes — the number of mats you can make will depend on which size you have (either 170 x 240 or 250 x 350). Careful — if you give a doormat to your neighbor as a gift, don’t forget it can also work as a door stopper.
STOCKLOHM soundproofing mat

Can a soundproofing mat be both functional and decorative? Absolutely. STOCKLOHM is an old STOCKHOLM carpet cut into a big circle, so it’ll fit perfectly under your drum set. For the neighbors. On the floor above.
SMOCKHOLT scratching post

With a handmade scratching post, you can protect both the house and your furniture from the cat’s claws. The handwoven textile from the rugged STOCKHOLM carpet can withstand even the wildest of cats. Bring it on, tiger!
CLOKSOMTH play tent

CLOKSOMTH is a great tent for playing out in the garden, and adventures before bedtime. The tent is easy to set up, and perfect for anyone who might need a place to camp.
LOCKTHOMS punching bag

Take an old plastic pipe or something similar and screw a disc onto the bottom. Wrap the old carpet around it and attach with duct tape. Drill holes for chains at the top of the pipe and then your LOCKTHOMS punching bag is ready to hang up. It can handle infinite amounts of aggression.
TOCKSHOLM puff chair

You don’t need to throw out your old carpet or that worn-out puff, either. Because together, they can have a new life. With a little bit of effort, parts of your old carpet can be made into a new and durable cover to rest your feet on after work. Sit back, snooze, and dream about a beautiful sunset on a white beach in Sri Lanka (or anywhere, really).
COSTKLOHM stair carpet

An alternative to painting or even sanding the stairs is to lay a carpet from the top to the bottom, or vice versa. Not only will the staircase look nice, but it muffles the noise of kids running up and down, and not least, it makes it less slippery for the mother-in-law when she comes to visit.
MOHLSTOCK shopping bag

The shopping bag is a useful classic that never goes out of fashion. This stylish and spacious variant is extra robust, and comes as a limited edition. Because after all, it’s you who decides how many you want to make.
KLOMSTOCH snowshoes

If, for one reason or another, you get lost in the mountains one snowy winter with only two tennis rackets and an old STOCKHOLM carpet in your backpack, you can easily make yourself some very useful snowshoes to carry you over the snow and back to civilization.


Agency SMFB | AD & Copy Alexander Gjersøe & Hans Magne Ekre | Designer Nicklas Hellborg & Nils Hausken | Project Manager Mari Engen | Digital Advisor Christoffer Lorang Dahl | Consultant Kristian Kristiansen | Digital Project Manager Cecilie Aurstad | Content Manager Hanne Danielsen | Client Tonje Skjetne Bjørnerem, Cathrine Boije & Hanne Winterstad

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Made of STOCKHOLM is a collection of 18 new IKEA products that you can make yourself. All you need is an old carpet, for example the iconic STOCK Read More
