Vitor Ishimura's profile


Manarocks is a Seasonal Card Game that I had the pleasure to create along with my friends Daniel Calife and Alex Tomoyose at Rockgames Studios.  

This is a very small collection of the pre production and a few key art that I did in the past 4 years. This is an indie game created on my spare time. 

Necromancer splash art
  Mind Bender splash art
Background painting for the main menu
Gameplay screenshot
Gameplay mock-up with customized elements
Rough Concept art of an upcoming character
Rough Concept art of an upcoming character
Gameplay board explorations
Older version of the in game board with customization concept art
Card and Creature concept art

Rarity icons concept art
Eary cards explorations

Card artwork sketches
Preliminar card sketch
Back card concept art
Card Customization explorations
Back card skins concept art
Dragon skin concept art
Booster early concept art
Dragon customization skin card concept art
Card icons concept art
Hero holder concept art
Defeat screen concept art
Victory screen concept art
Very early board concept art
Tiers concept art


Manarocks Seasonal Card Game
