Taller de Integración Musical Latino Americana
Desde la iniciativa de la música y la integración entre culturas, nace un proyecto multidisciplinario en el cual se me solicitó aportar mis habilidades como Director de arte y diseñador.
El desafío era generar una identidad que transmita los conceptos combinar / mezclar / exponer. Por ende, la idea de líneas de colores que se cruzan me pareció acertada y con un gran potencial expresivo. En conjunto con una tipografía sólida y flexible se formó un sistema con la elasticidad suficiente para poder adaptarse a distintos medios sin perder su objetivo.


With music and integration between different cultures as starting points, a multidisciplinary project was developed for which I was summoned to contribute my skills as Art Director and Designer. The challenge was to create an identity that would be able to convey the concepts of combining/blending/exhibiting. Therefore, the idea of colored lines crossing seemed appropriate and with a great expressive potential. Together with a robust and flexible typography, a system was created which is elastic enough to
adapt to several media without losing sight of its major objective.


