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novum 01.19 »visual identities«

novum 01.19 »visual identities«

We start the new year with a real fireworks display: Visual identities are the focus of novum 01.19. Developing visual identities is an exciting process, and not infrequently it involves a lot of work persuading clients to venture in new directions. In the novum+ section of this issue we present a very broad spectrum of distinctive and eye-catching visual identities.

For our Showroom section we conducted an interview with the outstanding Swiss-school designer and typographer Erich Brechbühl, who has produced some remarkable posters. You can also discover Eva-Maria Offermann´s very conceptual approach to unconventional projects and designs. Plus, we look at how contemporary campaigns develop, in an article about the agency Wolf/Osmankovic, whose work includes the design for a successful election campaign by the Green Party. Also not to be missed is a dip into the portfolio of Casmic Lab, and the imaginative illustrations of Katinka Reinke. Altogether a rich collection of inspiration for a successful new year!​​​​​​​ 

The cover

The cover, printed on Zeta Linen (Reflex Paper) was designed for us by Christian Hundertmark (C100 Studio) and it is the perfect scene-setter for a highly international spread of design talent. ​​​​​​​

All this and more awaits in this issue of novum!

Copies of this issue can be bougth here

Cover design 

Zeta Linen, 350 gsm by Reflex Paper

Offset printing 

Tobias Holzmann, Miriam Zimmer

novum 01.19 »visual identities«

novum 01.19 »visual identities«

Graphic design magazine with a special focus on visual identities.


Creative Fields