Claim experience // user experience designer at Trov Inc. 

When I started working for Trov, they did not have a claim experience in the app. We conducted research on the insurance claim procedure, noting that people often found the process to be cumbersome, inefficient, and insensitive. 

Tasked with imagining the Trov claim experience, I created a claim bot where people who had just gone through a traumatic experience are walked through an empathetic dialogue while gathering data the insurance company needs in a simple way. 

This was the first time I created a dialogue interface. I wanted the experience to be fluid with all parts moving in a seamless, vertical motion. I created the Trov bot to be represented by a soft, breathing circle icon and to use kind and understanding language. This created a calming presence for the user, reassuring they are okay and are being taken care of. 
summary of claim before submitting
Trov hired me to help with the redesign of the iOS and android applications. Our goal was to help empower people to insure their belongings in the way they want to. My role was to facilitate cross-functional collaborations, create sketches and hi-fidelity visual designs, create and present interactive prototypes, and collaboration with developers for design implementation.
Claim experience


Claim experience

UX/UI design for claim experience for insurance start up
