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Twitter аpp logo design: TweetBest

TweetBest is a new app aimed at Twitter users. Basically, the app shows you the most interesting tweets according to your preferences at the top of your timelane. The app works by using a custom filter which separates the annoying i-just-had-something-for-dinner tweets from the really interesting ones. The filter is updated by sliding tweets you love to the left to mark them as "good" and sliding tweets you don't care about to the right to mark as "bad".
The app logo
Other designs
We worked on a few other designs for the logo design of the app which you can see below:
Twitter аpp logo design: TweetBest

Twitter аpp logo design: TweetBest

TweetBest is a new app aimed at Twitter users. The app shows you the most interesting tweets according to custom filter which separates the annoy Read More
