Leonardo Da Vinci
Born in 1452, Italy
Died in 1519, France
Famous quote:     
“Water is the driving force of all nature”
                “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”

“When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”

Leonardo was a painter, engineer, scientist and inventor.

His father Ser Piero da Vinci a prominent notary. Leonardo is illegitimate son of him. (his mother was Caterina who was local woman).

When he was 14/15 years old, his father Ser Piero da Vinci biring Leonard apprenticed him to Andrea del Verrocchio’s Art studio, and Leonard studied drawing there for nine years old.

In 1475, start to help Verrocchio’s Art studio.

Established his own art studio in 1478.

Leonardo  added the other two theories into established perspective thinking (Earlier Renaissance artists used), which were “perspective of clarity (distant objects are less distinct) and perspective of color (distant objects are more muted in color). He wrote about both of these principles in his notebooks”

He was ambidextrous - he could draw forward and backward with opposing hands simultaneously. Some of his writings are backward and can only be understood using a mirror’s reflection.

Based on the research on Leonardo's well attributed drawings, there is a probability that Leonardo was not a natural left-hander, because the marks of the shading go downwards from left to right. '[T]here being some suggestion that he may have become left handed as the result of an injury to his right had in early adulthood’. (Brain and Cognition
Volume 55, Issue 2, July 2004, Pages 262-268).

(Da Vinci's father was a politician, very rich, had been married for four times, had 17 children, but when his father died, every child except him was inherited. His mother was a local farmer and did not marry his father, so Da Vinci was also a bastard.
Da Vinci had never been formally educated. When he was 15 years old, his father was shocked by a portrait of a devil by Da Vinci , so he sent him to Florence to study painting and apprenticed Orcagna, the then famous painter.

Leonardo Da Vinci was also a homosexual. When he was 24 years old, he and several others were arrested for sodomy and later acquitted for lack of evidence.

Leonardo Da Vinci is left-handed, but unlike most left-handed people, he writes from right to left, a mirror font, so no one can read what he writes and it's a secret.

Leonardo Da Vinci's most famous paintings are The Mona Lisa's Smile and The Last Supper. In addition to his great accomplishments in painting, he is also proficient in weapon making, mathematics, literature, science, biology, human anatomy, astronomy.)

Leonardo lives with a younger boy who lived with him since the boy was 10. Lived for around 20 years until his death.

His inventions:
Anemometer. ...
Flying Machine. ...
Helicopter (Aerial Screw) ...
Parachute, and more.
Leonardo DaVinci

Leonardo DaVinci


Creative Fields