tatiana yakou's profile

Brief Advertorial of written and design process work.

Written Process Work for the advertisement:

Pythagoras' needs in a villa: (Group work - Tatiana, Manuel, Mariam, Will)
-4 bedrooms for his children
-Astronomy room (with glass dome roof)
-Theatre (must have curtains)
-Library/ office (private)
-Reflection room
-Meeting room for cult members
-Large secluded outdoor area + garden with planting beds

Other ideas to include:
- sound-proof walls
- separating the family from the cult section of the villa
- Number 10 (1+2+3+4)
- Perfect triangles 
- music 
- Greek and Egyptian style- influence 
- 4 elements, creating harmony (fire, earth, air & water)
10 Point Triangle layout: (Group work - Tatiana, Manuel, Mariam, Will)

1. Landscape area                                                    1. Existence
2. Dionysus                                                               2. Creation
3. Cult                                                                       3. Life
4. Describing the Bedrooms, Spaces,appearance   4. The four elements (Fire, Earth, Air&
                                                                                                                              & Water)

Brief Text:
- Plenty of trees to create privacy, with an abundance of open space for my followers to gather

- Ornamental features to reflect the tales of my totem god, Dionysus, including symbols    of wine, lion & serpent. 
- I want vineyards for the annual festival of Dionysus
- I will need a rebirth room so when I die Dionysus can bring me back to life

- It is necessary to have a sound proof meeting room where me and brothers can gather. 
- I will not stand a chance for those who defy me, a reflection room should be readily secluded. 
- To spread my knowledge to my fellow brothers, it is crucial to have my theatre hugged with overflowing curtains.
- I am content with distancing my family on the East wing away from business on the West wing. 

- I demand 4 bedrooms for my children, with 1 bedroom closer to the west wing of the villa for my son. 
- My Villa must be influenced by the wonderful Greek and Egyptian ornamentation. Not Babylon...I repeat NOT BABYLON!
- One cannot survive without their dose of oxygen. My books hold the same value I tell you, I need my Library!
- Oh the wonder! I surely cannot stress how greatly I need a room where I can see the stars and moon shine before my eyes.
- Directly facing the Library should be where I can spend most of my time in, my study room of course! 
- It would serve as a benefit to have our own garden beds where we can rely on what we can grow to eat. 
- The villa should be embossed with the 4 elements of harmony and tranquillity, Earth, Air, Fire and Water. 

NEW EDIT: Simplified Brief Text. (Group work - Tatiana, Manuel, Mariam,)

Plenty of trees for privacy in a large field.

More simplified:
- I am a very private guy. 

I want vineyards and a rebirth room.              
Including ornamentations of wine, lion and serpent inspired by Dionysus.

More simplified:
- I admire dionysus' leadership. 

It is crucial to have the whole villa sound proofed.
Several meeting rooms and a reflection room are on my highest priority.
I also need a theatre covered in curtains.
My family should be kept on the East wing away from my business.

More simplified:
- I live in silence 
- My brothers and I need to regularly bond. 
- My family and my business should be segregated.  

I need 4 bedrooms for my children.
The Villa must be influenced by Greek and Egyptian ornamentation. Not Babylonian.
Most importantly, I need my personal study and Library.
It would be advantageous if we can grow our food, garden beds are a must.
I want a room where I can observe all the stars and moon shine.
My final request is to have the villa shaped by the 4 elements. Fire, Earth, Air and Water.

More simplified:
- We are a family of 6. 
- I lived in Egypt for 22 years. 
- Fresh food is important for my family and I. 
- My final request is to have the villa shaped by the 4 elements.


Inspirational advertisements:




Design Process work for the Advertisement:
Idea 1:
I really liked how this one turned out however we realised that it is not eye catching as the colours are too light and there is a lot of information which makes it hard to read with the photos behind it. The design represents Pythagoras but the use of long sentences does not as he is straight to the point with everything. Therefore, we came to an agreement that this was not the best idea to advertise Pythagoras. 

Idea 2:
This did not all agree on this design however we decided to try it. I did not turn out great as it looks 'boring' to look at and it definitely is not eye catching. It has too much information which ruins the idea of Pythagoras as he was a secretive guy who did not share a lot with anyone. Also it does not fit with the whole layout, therefore it was not chosen. 

Idea 3:
With the help of our teachers, we created a simplified version following the two ideas we already had. So far we thought that  this was our best. However, it was still missing something that says that this is Pythagoras were are talking about. We had a discussion and we came to an agreement that if we were to read this we would not know its Pythagoras we are talking about until we read his name at the bottom. We certainly did not want that. We wanted for our readers to know that it is Pythagoras the minute they laid eyes on the advertisement. Moreover, the information we had was being too specific about what he wanted which does not give much room for the 'designer' to be flexible so we had to change that as well. 


Idea 4:
For this Draft we were the experimenting with the design of the poster and the colours. 


Idea 5: 
For this Draft we were the experimenting with the design of the poster and the colours. 

idea 6: (Final)
For this Draft we were the experimenting with the design of the poster and the colours. We chose this as our final because it really did bring the idea of Pythagoras alive. The whiteboard in the background really works with the whole design as it shows that he was a Mathematician, a teacher, a leader. The colours blue and white are a great contrast between the two and therefore it makes the advertisement eye catching. Therefore we chose this as out final design for the poster. 

My role in the group:
My role was to do some research on Pythagoras and Dionysus and to find some similarities and differences between them so we were able to write the text for the Advertisement. That is why we had many drafts for the text as we were trying to figure out how to make Pythagoras' persona come to life and relating it to Dionysus. 
Brief Advertorial of written and design process work.

Brief Advertorial of written and design process work.


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