C'est la vie
A film by Simone Rovellini
with Simona Tarasco, Toni Pandolfo, Ambrogio Avogadri, Mirko Ciotta, Alessandro Fantinato
DOP Davide Gatti
Music and sound design by Piers Burbrook de Vere, Jeremy Yang, Lawrence Horne
Set decorator Henriette Vittadini
Make-up Vessy Vissotchkova
Graphics Leonardo Romano
Running time 5' 40''
English version
A making of the special effects of C'est la vie
DVD menu animation
C'est la vie

C'est la vie

Born out of a nursery rhyme composed almost by chance, C'est la vie is the first short film by director Simone Rovellini, and it is all but an or Read More
