Zihui Wang's profile

Group Research: Nero

Nero Claudius Caesar

Nero Claudius Caesar
Time:37-68 A.D.
The most infamous of Rome’s emperors.
Nero's father was died when Nero was 2 years old.  Nero took his family name when he was adopted at age 13 by his great-uncle, the emperor Claudius. He was raised by his mother Agrippina. Agrippina had married Claudius after arranging the death of her second husband and was the driving force behind her son’s adoption. Claudius was really like Nero, and he decided Nero will be the next emperor of Rome. When Nero was 17 years old, one day the emperor Claudius was suddenly died. Then Nero become the youngest emperor of Rome, but later there was a lot of evidence that Nero’s mother poisoned Claudius.
As The Emperor:
After he became an emperor, he became a cruel emperor because of power problems. He had a brother which the son of the last emperor. He was really care about the one day his brother will take the power away of him so Nero and his mother plan to kill his brother. One day he was suddenly convulsed and died at the court party. Then few years after, he thought he never got all power because his mother, so he find the chance to kill his mother to get the all power back to him. One day after the end of the seashore feast, with a special boat to send his mother home. After that, the ship split into pieces in the sea . His mother sent him a letter, but he lost a dagger on the ground and lied that his mother wants to assassinate him. In AD 59, he sentenced his mother to commit a crime, and give the death penalty for her.
Nero has three spouses. He first wife is Roman Emperor Claudius' s daughter. (his mother use her to control the last emperor Claudius) But after his mother was dead, he sentenced his wife to death for adultery. For his second spouse, he fell in love with Otto’s wife, Bobbi Sabina, but once when Nero was angry, he kicked Bobiya, who was pregnant, causing her death. His last wife is Stia Messalina. In order to get the beautiful woman who has been married, Nero forced her husband, Vestinus, to commit suicide.
Group Research: Nero

Group Research: Nero


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