Non-Postural was created as my Honours Seminar Independent Studio
project in 3rd year. My subject matter for this three-piece sculpture
symbolized the link between insects and body. Non-Postural represents
the decomposition of the spine shown through a sculpture series. Heavy
visual influence was taken from the insect world such as centipedes and
millipedes, and from a mix of science fiction films such as Alien and Star-

The individual sculptures are made out of plaster of paris with an armature built from wire and newspaper. Each piece was sprayed with a fixative to keep the loose plaster from flaking. Then, using acrylic paint, the sculptures were painted and dry brushed to achieve a realistic effect.
The final touch was a gloss adhesive coat finish which made the colours
shine giving an uncanny aesthetic. The display of Non-Postural was set on a low podium, making viewers physically bend over to get a good view. This self-referential and humorous display, pokes fun at the viewers expense as they are mirroring its progression. How gross and unsettling the sculptures were, yet viewers were contorting their bodies in precisely the same way.
Spineless (2017)

Spineless (2017)
