A recent guest blog post for eSports Jamaica https://bit.ly/2NUfcvp
Project #215AA tagline *ongoing project so company names blurred
A Spec Piece Title and Description rewrite
A spec piece  For a Ganja store 
A spec piece for a Tooth Abscess product
Project #215AA Description and Updated *ongoing project so company names blurred
Landing page copy i created for an affiliate offer (reading software)
An article I wrote for one of my personal blogs on temp changes with depth 
back when I wrote poetry....
The first two are my real life experiences the rest are headlines from Facebook for clients/prospects I have helped to write better AD copy
A post from one of my Facebook Pages explaining why its so difficult for Jamaicans to find work...
A brick and mortar direct response ad I wrote for a document centre
Ads that sell

Ads that sell
