Illustration for theatre  "AC4" for german regisseur Christian Jaschke
Illustration for theatre  "Wie ein Auto funktionierte" (how a car works) for german regisseur Christian Jaschke

Illustration for theatre  "Glückliche Tage" (Samual Beckett) for german regisseur Christian Jaschke

Illustration for theatre  "Woyzeck" (Georg Büchner) for german regisseur Christian Jaschke


Illustration for theatre  "Nietzsche – der tolle Fritz" (Sascha Coal) for german regisseur Christian Jaschke


Illustration for theatre  "Lederfresse" (Helmut Krausser) for german regisseur Christian Jaschke


Illustration for theatre  "Iphigenie" (Rainer Werner Fassbinder) for german regisseur Christian Jaschke


Illustration for theatre  "off the road" (picee about the beat generation) for german regisseur Christian Jaschke


Illustration for theatre  "Gwschlossene Gesellschaft" (Jean Paul Sartre) for german regisseur Christian Jaschke



Illustrations for german regisseur Christian Jaschke
