Rotem Nahlieli's profile

The Sock Monsters Card Game

Sock Monsters A children's card game with 10 imaginary friends, simple enough so even adults can play!

Sock Monsters is a card game for children, encouraging creativity and diversity. It's a game for families who love to play together. Yeah, that's basically it. It's a card game, what did you expect?

The story of Sock Monsters started as an idea for parents and for children to share a creative experience. We wanted families to use the basic story as a starter for creating their own stories. We had  many tries and errors in the way we presented the Sock Monsters story. Eventually, we made the story into a card game because we believe in active story telling, where children can create their own plot and change it with every single round of play.
The Sock Monsters is also about diversity: there are 10 of them, each with their own unique character. They do have one thing in common though: their passion for socks.  

Role: Co-Production (with Samuel Miller) / Creative Direction
The Sock Monsters Card Game


The Sock Monsters Card Game

A children's card game with 10 imaginary friends, simple enough so even adults can play!
