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A Breath of Fresh Air // Sensory Park Design

A Breathe of Fresh Air : Inclusive Spaces for Leisure and Play
Sensory Park Design
This project is in collaboration with the Karnataka Welfare Association for the Blind (KWAB). 
As part of a neighborhood redevelopment program, KWAB won a grant to re-design a neighborhood park near its headquarters in Seshadaripuram, Bangalore to make it a safe recreation space for 150 blind children and 250-300 visually impaired and orthopedically disabled, visiting the center. Being a public park, this project would additionally benefit the larger neighborhood, i.e. residents of Risaldar Street & V.V. Girl slum (50,000 people). 
This project aims at designing a park that engages not only with the physical senses, but evokes the mental and spiritual peace of mind as well. This is a space that is meant to be used and enjoyed by the neighborhood elders as well as the children of the KWAB.
Zoning Plan
As the site is located in an Urban Slum, this park previously faced issues of vandalism and lack of security. In order to overcome these problems, careful consideration has been made while making material suggestions for the furniture and equipment in the park. 
Layout Plan
The boundary wall has been designed as a combination of brick wall and bamboo fences, allowing people to peak into the park from various angles. This has been done to allow 24 X 7 vision of the park, in an effort to discourage unruly activities. 
Various Tactile Walls are spread throughout the site, providing an interactive experience for children as they run their hands along these walls. Each wall is meant to be educational in addition to being fun.
The design of the park includes various low-cost DIY plantation projects. These plants are meant to be taken care by children, in an effort to inculcate the sense of responsibility in them as well as allow them to have a stake in this park.
Since this park is located in a residential neighborhood, the design has allowed for various spaces where people can congregate and engage in activities that encourage community building and participation.
One part of the park has been designed to accommodate a playground, which is slightly lower than the walkway around it. This depression has been provided to allow active sports to take place without the fear of pedestrians being injured in the process.
Walk-Through of the Space
For further details on research process and project documentation, refer to the following document :
A Breath of Fresh Air // Sensory Park Design

A Breath of Fresh Air // Sensory Park Design
