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Bauhaus Analysis #AdobeHiddenTreasures #contest

This poster, made for the #AdobeHiddenTreasures , Bauhaus, Dessau design #contest, is an architectural analysis of the Bauhaus building. Set in axonometric view, the poster highlights the functions of each wings, transitory connections between them, as well as the entrances to the building and facade details, which accentuate the public, semi-private and private realms of the complex. 

Following the notion of form follows function, the colours of each wing were chosen accordingly. Yellow exuding a spaciousness and reclusiveness for the dormitories, the saturation of red to represent the intensity of activities at the workshop, and the coolness of blue to complement the more sedentary functions of the technical school.

The entrances, highlighted in black displays the relations between entrances, and the direct physical interfacing of building to site. While the facade types are in grey, showcasing the relation of site and building through the elevations. The individual typology of the facades are complemented by its positioning, displaced from the main building mass.

The text Bauhaus is broken up and arranged to suggest "haus bau" which reads as the house of building, the context of which  the name Bauhaus was derived from.
Bauhaus Analysis #AdobeHiddenTreasures #contest

Bauhaus Analysis #AdobeHiddenTreasures #contest

An architectural analysis of Bauhaus Dessau #AdobeHiddenTreasures #contest.
