Justin Schwartz's profile

Perspective Brand Identity

Perspective, an F1 in Schools Team

F1 in Schools is the largest school-based STEM program in the world, with twenty million students from forty countries competing each year. Teams are tasked with an interdisciplinary challenge to design, analyze, manufacture, test, and race a miniature compressed-air-powered Formula One car. Furthermore, teams must design a brand identity, acquire sponsors, and manage a budget to fund research, travel, and accommodations.

Perspective is a Formula One in Schools team composed of six high school students from Manatee County, Florida. The name ‘Perspective’ reflects the unique viewpoints the members contribute to a more synergistic vision for the project. The Perspective team earned second-place and the marketing award at the 2018 U.S. National Competition in Austin, Texas and third-place and the research and development award at the 2018 World Finals in Singapore. 
The Golden Ratio
The Perspective symbol is constructed through the use of the golden ratio and a series of circles derived from the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence is an infinite series of numbers in which each successive Fibonacci number is obtained by the sum of its two preceding numbers. The ratios of each Fibonacci number to each preceding number oscillate around 1.618, the value of the golden ratio. The golden ratio and the Fibonacci sequence are often found in nature and are used for the construction of the symbol to create a balanced appearance. 


Two typefaces were chosen to represent the Perspective brand — Axiforma and ITC Lubalin Graph. Axiforma is an elegant, geometric sans serif typeface used for titles and headings. ITC Lubalin Graph is a geometric slab serif typeface with strong serifs and open counters. It is used for body text to convey practicality and friendliness.


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Perspective Brand Identity

Perspective Brand Identity

Brand identity for Perspective, an F1 in Schools team.
