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2018 Shenzhen Design Week Exhibition Identity
The theme of 2018 Shenzhen Design Week is “Possibilities of Design”, which indicates that the outcome of design is full of the unknown. We want to create a set of exhibition images that are open to the public and invite them to complete the design together.
We extracted the conceptional elements from the LOGO of Shenzhen Design Week, based on which we developed a game App and launched it on Wechat and the Internet. Then we invited pofessional designers, design lovers and the general public to play the game, in which they could form graphics such as characters, people, products, architectures or cities etc. The graphics were then saved and submitted to the background. Views could give likes to the works posted in the App. We then chose the works that gained more likes as the design elements and used them on outdoor advertisements, publicity materails and other relevant objects. At the exhibition site, we provided devices that were developed out of similar concept for the visitors to have an interaction.
game for app
game for web
2018 Shenzhen Design Week Exhibition Identity

2018 Shenzhen Design Week Exhibition Identity
