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Thought Provoking

Below you'll read my story about The Question Mark Creature (who, if you look closely, is made of question marks). The story asks you to consider the way that curiosity is a force much like hunger, endless and consuming -- yet is harmless in that the universe loses nothing from someone learning. It is through curiosity that we can "break open our tightly bound structures" of understanding and allow new knowledge to seep into our world like water through sand. 
This next piece was actually the first piece I ever printed and sold! The quote is the last sentence of Charles Darwin's Origin of Species. The pictures within the string of DNA demonstrate different stages and forms of life, from eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, to neurons, plant life, metamorphosis, and many different friends in the animal kingdom! You'll even see the strand begins with Darwin's famous "I think", and ends with his sketch of the tree of life. 
Thought Provoking

Thought Provoking
