/ OFF/ON? /
x  x  x  x  x
The aim of this entire publication is to propose destruction as a possible method to relieve our stress. This publication questions the existing methods and effectiveness as compared to the new and wild destructive ideas. It also provides a range of different alternatives to people who do not find the conventional methods effective for them. This publication poses a lot of questions that gets readers to think upon that would help them make better decisions when it comes to de-stressing.

This publication is divided into two sections that starts on opposite ends of the book.
OFF centers around relieving stress by taking our minds off the causes of stress such as yoga, meditating and working out. This section of the publication compiles a list of existing stress relieving methods that readers might or might not have known. 

ON centers on relieving stress by focusing on the causes of stress and destroying them. This part of the publication uses the concept of destruction to de-stress. There are lists of destructive activities and instructions that readers can follow and try for themselves. 
THOUGHT PROCESS /  As opposed to being a passive reader, this publication encourages active readers who takes part by responding whether it is through thoughts, reflections, acts or following the instructions given. Throughout the book, there are series of ideas as well as instructions that prompts readers to follow. There are also pages where readers have to tear apart and destroy in order to view the content within it. These makes the publication more interactive and fun, less like a research document. 



The aim of this entire publication is to propose destruction as a possible method to relieve our stress. This publication questions the existing Read More
