[Blank Us]

Due to human influence, animals are endangered. Innocent Animals are being paid for their human activities, such as hunting and regional developments.

‘Blank Us’ shows endangered animals being ‘blank’, and the natural space beyond human influence. Flamingo and polar bear that we all know are also endangered animals. According to the IUCN Red List, which classifies endangered animals in the world, flamingo belongs to the ‘near-threatened’ category and polar bear belongs to ’vulnerable’. The reason for it mush have something to do with humans.

I designed the postcard, ‘Blank Us’, using the illustration of the nature as it is and the endangered animals in it. The original postcard format has been modified to the shape of a card inside a postcard. The small hole on the front of the postcard shows a part of the endangered animal, which is intended to show ‘disappearing’ animals. You can find a card inside a postcard that contains illustrations, descriptions of the following animals, endangered rates, and reasons for their extinction.

This design is all about wishing for humans no longer being harmful to nature.

Blank us