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Trivial - Blackberry Game App

Trivial - Jamaican Culture and Heritage Trivia Game
Trivial is a trivia game about Jamaican culture and heritage. Trivial tests your knowledge on Jamaica, in a full and exciting way. You are asked questions and are given 15 seconds to answer each. Four possible answers are given for each question and questions get harder as you level up.
This application has received an award for "Best Creative Content" in the inaugural Digital Jam 2.0 competition hosted by the World Bank and the Jamaican government.
We are officially celebrating Jamaica's 50 years of independence!
Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter to learn facts about Jamaica daily
    » Facebook: http://on.fb.me/QzxuOu
    »Twitter: twitter.com/trivialgameja
    »Blackberry App World: http://bit.ly/SnnGxR
Login screen - here, the user can login or register for a new account. It'ssmall enough to fit most Blackberry device screens without scrolling.
Questions screen - each question has a weighting which determines the score. Weighting calculation considers time and difficulty level.
Level Summary  screen - this screen is displayed after each level to show the player the progress. It displays: current points, correctly & incorrectly answered questions, skipped questions and overall percentage. This screen also plays an appropriate audio if you progress to the next level or not.
Leaderboard screen - this screen shows the names and scores of the top 8 players in the game. This chart changes many times during a day!
Design execution by Oratio West.
Trivial - Blackberry Game App

Trivial - Blackberry Game App

Trivial - Jamaican Culture and Heritage Trivia Game.
