 I wanted to show emotion in connection with the food for thought brief. My grandmother’s recipes are something I recently uncovered. My grandmother died before I was born, and the recipes felt like a way to connect with her memory. I wanted to catalogue this journey of discovery of who she was through the stories I had gathered associated with each recipe .My idea was to create a book that will strike a chord with many who have missed out on knowing a grandparent and experienced the inevitable disconnect that comes from never having met someone  so important in your parent’s life. I had now in my possession an old scrap book that my grandmother sellotaped her recipes into. The paper had yellowed through years of use, but its condition showed it was something that was cared for and treasured. I decided that I needed to include the recipes in full and the turquoise paper that they were stuck to in order to show this care.
The typeface used is Cormorant Garamond. I felt this best compliments the handwritten type of the recipes. The thickness of the typeface was quite thin a factor I felt highlighted the fragility of the paper of the recipes. It also featured a large type family which I felt useful to communicate the emotion in the stories. All this accumulated in a book in which the typographic elements lead the viewers eyes in a flow throughout, while also communicating the unique characteristics of each recipe and the story associated.
The design itself is an amalgamation of different textures from within the scrap book. This was to highlight the textured stories which had depth in each. It includes many white gaps this was to communicate the gapes in time as I try to put together an image of my grandmothers’ life. the textures overlaid on one another was to illustrate a picture of a messy kitchen table with recipes scattered across. I believe these elements properly communicate my journey of discovering who my grandmother was through her recipes.
ISTD 2018

ISTD 2018

Strategy I wanted to show emotion in connection with the food for thought brief. My grandmother’s recipes are something I recently uncovered. M Read More
