Zsolt Szemerszky's profileDodo Newman's profile

The Inspirationalist - The Poem

 The Inspirationalist  
ISBN: 978-1-4478-6657-2
written byZsolt Szemerszky 
 About The Inspirationalist book 

Your journey to the World of dreams. It is about a time travel from the past to the present, aiming to show different mentalities in the World, life experiences during Communism, Dictatorship, India, Islam, Materialism, Poverty, Spirituality, Tolerance. This journey is a travel of extremes to find the real spirit of things and people.

 Inspired readers 

“While reading this book, the tears were really falling down my face...
As an artist myself, I so well understand, the torments & endless intense struggles that Dodo must have gone through... the rejection of family & "friends"... and, the feelings of absolute despair and loneliness...
Surrounding ourselves with our secret dreams, is a way to escape from the hard reality and to keep on fighting for our goal in life, that gives us meaning and happiness.. 
Zsolt, I am really grateful to you for letting me read the book; it is written brilliantly and with love... your words have touched me and even moved me into tears; my sincere compliments to a wonderful Artist and Human Being, Dodo... and, to you; for translating the intense feelings of an Artist, into an Unique Creation of Words in "The Inspirationalist"...!!!”
Amy Polling
“What a remarkable book Dodo. I started reading and couldn't put it down. It's a sad indictment of society that people try to pressure the inner child to conform and not have dreams. Or if the dreams are there, they are quashed under the guise of being 'For your own sake as you need a dose of reality.
Your travels and travails have taken you all over the world and yet you kept a dream alive. No one can reduce those dreams by means of envy and petty greed.
Whatever else anyone says of you they can only say you were strong, you kept an ideal alive and through art you gave to the world when the world didn't give to you...
Zsolt is one of those rare individuals who excels at everything. In his case, apart from the racing and the writing and the advising he also excels at that rarity... being nice. 
The book he has written is excellent, a wonderful uplifting book that should serve as an inspiration to all those with dreams. A sad indictment on those who don't dream and try to spoil life for those who do.”
Lord David Prosser

 The poem from the book: The Inspirationalist 
with the original illustration by Dodo Newman.
The Inspirationalist
The book continues with other chapters...

 Where to buy? 
The Inspirationalist book is available at:
The Inspirationalist - The Poem

The Inspirationalist - The Poem

Your journey to the World of dreams. It is about a time travel from the past to the present, aiming to show different mentalities in the World, l Read More
