RESOLUTION The Book of Graphic Knowledge

RESOLUTION: A book of Artistic and Photographic Inspiration. In Other Words, A book of ideas based on a creative child trying to understand colors, being born color blind but captivated. Captivated by shapes and colors, movement and rays, lights and shadows. A book Of Questions, or maybe just one? The Almighty question am i worthy of great graphic design? A question i will try to answer through my creativity. Can i influence or trend in today's internet social prison of tacky is better? Understanding white space, the concept of a square, the concept of creativity. I hope you enjoy this journey as much as i shall. " for the art can only be born, if creativity is challenged" Michel Albert 2018

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Sincerely yours

Michel Albert
Art Director / Graphic Designer / software designer / App Designer

RESOLUTION The Book of Graphic Knowledge

RESOLUTION The Book of Graphic Knowledge
