One of the ways to count the age of the universe is Cosmic Calendar, in which 15 billion years of the universe is converted into one single year of the Gregorian calendar. From January 1 to December 31 of the Cosmic Calendar, a series of incessant events has led to the present moment. Like the intention of Cal Sagan, who invented the Cosmic Calendar, the birth of mankind is so small that it can be implied throughout the last two days of the year. During the short time of two days, it used fire, walked upright and explored in a spacecraft which is the result of science and technology. So, How much more can human beings grow after this moment?

First of all, individual dots are connected. The graphic starts drawing a timeline along the lines, and the result is human. Indeed, human beings are the most unique creatures that have evolved from the Big Bang to the present day. We will grow, develop and achieve even more as you draw a picture of the brilliant future, albeit as small as the dust of the universe.

There is a proverb in Korea ‘온고지신’, which means ‘review the old and learn the new.’ We looked back at the past of the Cosmic Calendar and created motion graphics with the hope that you envision tomorrow as the first day of the year on Cosmic Calendar 2.
