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Responsible Mental Health Campaign

Image Based Narratives 

I began to think about the reaction of the people today towards mental health. I know that today generation is referred to as the ‘snowflake generation’. “Generation Snowflake, or Snowflake Generation, is a neologistic term used to characterize the young adults of the 2010s as being more prone to taking offence and less resilient than previous generations, or as being too emotionally vulnerable to cope with views that challenge their own.” Some people belive that this emotional instability is reflected in the rise of mental health problems. However, this could also be just a rise in the awareness of mental health problems or it could be a bit of both. Regardless, mental health problems are on the rise.

I have grown up with various mental health problems myself. I am used to going in and out of episodes, during which I would go to see various health specialists and take medication. One of the biggest turning points for me however, was when my mother turned to me and stated “you are reponsible for your own happiness, you are in a good place now, with a loving family, its time to move on.” I have attended many therupy sessions, but this was one of the most helpful things that has ever been said to me. It was the kick up the arse that I needed to lift me out of my depressive state. I was dwelling and I felt like I was drowning in it. I was then instructed to get on with it and swim to the top. And I did. And I’ve never felt better. 

I think the moral of the story is, you can take as many therupy sessions and as much medication as you like, but until you DECIDE you truly want to get better and feel positive, you are going to struggle.

I then began to think about all the other people out there who are unlucky enough to get that ‘kick’ that I got. I wondered how I could display this to other people who may need it. So I decided to come up with a series of posters that would enable other people who were struggling to take personal responsibility for their own happiness. 
Responsible Mental Health Campaign

Responsible Mental Health Campaign

Positive mental health awareness poster campaign in terms of individual responsibility
