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Thesis Publication

An Analysis of Deliveroo Hong Kong’s Use of Visual Components on Instagram. 

The publication is designed for presenting my thesis which is about branding identity on social media, which targets at Deliveroo Hong Kong on Instagram. It is about exploring the motivational factors on social media, which could ensure the continued engagement of a local community with a brand.

According to Meikle Graham, “the emerging social media environment is characterized by both continuity and transformation”. In fact, the network within Instagram is constantly updated and expanded by the posts shared by huge amount of social media users every minute. Since the posts shared on Instagram could be overlooked easily by scrolling through the screen, the publication design is aimed to address the significance of this study. Hence, an accordion publication would be designed by using metaphors for this study.

As the study focuses on Instagram, the design elements are integrated with the characteristics of Instagram. Firstly, accordion binding method is adopted by this publication for readers to experience the continual and transformative environment of Instagram. As the readers flip through the publication, the publication would be gradually expanded vertically. This is designed as a metaphor of scrolling through the screen with continual posts on Instagram. Secondly, this publication is designed in square shape to present Instagram. Since Instagram is characterized by the square format for all the post shared, square is a significant signature of Instagram. Thirdly, the font and font size of the contents are designed refer to the standard interface of Instagram on a smartphone. Fourthly, a magnifier is also inserted not only to enhance the reading experiences, but also allowing the readers to experience the process of looking into the detail of Instagram while reading this thesis.

The aim of the design is to provide a unique experience for readers to explore the findings derived from the environment of Instagram. Through reading the publication, it is aimed to address the significance of studying the activities on Instagram and encourage different possibility for global brand to engage with the target audiences. 
Thank You!
2018 by Katrina Kwok
Thesis Publication

Thesis Publication
