오묘 [OMYO]: Explore Classical Korean Tean and more!

오묘(omyo) implies marvelous, curious or mysterious in Korean language, and commonly used to portray the subtle savor of Korean tea. Due to the unique characters and complexity of Korean tea, every so often it is also difficult to describe the four different tastes of Korean tea -- bitterness, sweetness, saltiness and sourness...and ‘OMYO’ sums it all -- a mysterious taste.

The OMYO brand and tea packages are created and inspired by the diverse characters of Korean tea and culture through art, people, costume, buildings, various kinds of tea and tea regions and, social structure.

The OMYO is specially designed for tea lovers, who also interested in Korean culture and oriental art. It is also a perfect wedding gi and a collectible for figurines enthusiasts. It is an educational, cultural, informative, collective, playful, sustainable (reusable and refillable) package that best describes the Korean culture. 