Designer, Front-End Developer
Adobe PhotoShop, HTML, LESS, JS, PHP;
Responsive Design, jQuery, jQueryUI, Drupal Integration;
The IRC Women’s Protection & Empowerment Unit equips multidisciplinary first responders with the skills, tools and confidence to ensure that survivors of gender-based violence have access to life-saving services in emergencies, are protected from further harm, and are supported so they can recover and thrive. Responders trained by the IRC use these resources while developing contingency plans, carrying out assessments, efficiently accessing emergency GBV funding, and designing emergency response interventions. Humanitarians who have taken part in IRC trainings have gone on to lead GBV emergency response and coordination in emerging crises including those in the Horn of Africa, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The IRC established the GBV Responders’ Network to support trained responders over time, provide critical resources, facilitate dialogue and capture shared learning.

A modern, minimalist design to keep the focus on the subject: helping underpriveledged women across the world. A commercial CMS (Drupal) was used Read More
