"A pig that doesn't fly is just a pig."
“Porco Rosso” is a film created by the legendary Studio Ghibli, and renowned animator Hayao Miyazaki. It’s a tale about a former World War I flying ace who is also a pig.

Porco Rosso makes his living by flying about in his bright red biplane and fighting sky bandits who prey on cruise ships sailing the Adriatic. When he's not engaging in dogfights, this porcine pilot lives on a deserted island retreat. Porco Rosso was once a strapping young man, but after his entire squadron was wiped out, he was mysteriously transformed into a pig.

Description from Rotten Tomatoes (rottentomatoes.com/m/porco_rosso)
This mark captures the essence of Porco Rosso.

Understanding the anatomy of the letters “R” and “P”, as well as the name “Porco Rosso” was the first step. The prevalence of counter spaces was an opportunity that presented itself in the process. The most distinguishing feature that differentiates Porco from other aviation pilots is his swine snout. It is unmistakable. The curvilinear nature and smoothness of the snout fits perfect with that of the typographic counters.

Deeper analysis of the “R” and “P” brought even more unity. It was discovered that the structure of the two capital letters is primarily the same. This is where the idea of utilizing a monogram developed from. The only difference between the letters is the absence of a leg in the “P”.

Using a slightly rounded vertical axis was a conscious decision in order to bring forth the energy and demeanor of Porco. Although he can seem distant and cold at times, at the center is a caring, gentle man with a good heart and good intentions. The subtle curve is also used to illustrate the rotund yet stout physicality of Porco.

“Porco Rosso” translates to “Red Pig” in Italian. Red is an existing connotation with Porco, so I knew the colors had to stay the same. In addition to red being a leverageable brand asset, it also serves as the most logical choice for the environment in which it lives. It is a symbol for strength, energy, power, and war. All of which are relevant to Porco’s bounty hunting occupation, and past wartime involvement.

The custom logotype is a heavy weighted sans-serif. The goal was to create an accompanying logotype that fit seamlessly with, and expanded upon the monogram logomark. Like the monogram, the type was to invoke qualities of Porco Rosso.
Plane Decal
Pilot Gloves
Belt Buckle
Belt Buckle
Menthol Cigarettes
Porco can often be seen puffing a cigarette. 

The typography used on the cigarette box is Goudy, designed by Frederic W. Goudy. It was the most popular font at the time of its release in 1915. Goudy was chosen in order to achieve historical authenticity, as well as provide a level of sophistication and luxury.

The timeframe that “Porco Rosso” can be estimated to take place is between the 1910’s to 1930’s. Keeping in mind that World War I occurred 1914-1918.

The text is in Italian because this is where Porco resided.
Historical Reference. Macchi M.33 - The Italian seaplane model that Porco flies 
Note: This is a fictitious personal project. I do not own any rights to Studio Ghibli's "Porco Rosso" trademark/images. 
Porco Rosso

Porco Rosso

Branding Project for Studio Ghibli's "Porco Rosso". Personal project only.
